Best in the World
The season doesn’t start in October. The season isn’t confined to October. But for many competitive Wifflers, the season ends and is made in October.
For the past three years, the United Wiffle®Ball Championship - first a National Championship, expanding to a World Championship with the participation of Saitama, Japan’s Wiffle Tigers in 2022 - has proudly assumed its role as the culmination of a long, fun, grueling, and exciting Wiffle®Ball season. We are proud to host not just the best players in the game from all around the U.S. and beyond, but the best teams on an annual basis. Whether a team made its mark in the slow pitch, medium pitch, or fast pitch variations of the game; played under base running or non-base running rules; used a clean ball, scuffed ball, or fully altered ball, the best teams in the world find their way to York, Pennsylvania every October. The qualification criteria, rules and spirit of the UWIFF WCT have been carefully fostered to produce the highest quality, most inclusive Wiffs environment in this great sport.
Eligibility Criteria
United Wiffle®Ball prides itself as being not just a standalone tournament, but the culmination of the annual Wiffle®Ball calendar. To preserve the integrity of the tournament as a World Championship and the biggest prize in the sport, teams must become eligible through a simple & broad eligibility process. Any teams that have become met the eligibility requirements or will meet the eligibility requirements before the tournament are eligible to register when registration opens.
Eligibility steps:
(1) Enter a team in a league OR a standalone tournament;
(2) Compete in the league OR standalone tournament with 3-5 of the players on your planned World Championship Team;
(3) When registration for the World Championship Tournament opens, register your team, including providing information on what tournament or league was used for eligibility (if more than one, you only need to list one) and which 3 (or more) players on your World Championship roster competed in that tournament or league together.
It is that simple!
The style of play in the tournament or league used for eligibility does not matter - slow pitch, medium pitch, clean balls, base running, etc., they are all included as part of UWIFF’s mission to be as inclusive as possible. All that matters is that the tournament or league is a legitimate tournament or legitimate league with legitimate gameplay. In other words, do not attempt to fake a tournament or league to use for eligibility purposes. UWIFF will review all registration applications and confirm the legitimacy of every event.
If a team uses 3 players to become eligible, that team can add two additional players to those 3 “core players” for their UWIFF roster. This allows the best of both worlds - ensures that teams competing for the World Championship are established teams, while also allowing some element of free agency for the World Championship. If a team uses 3 players to become eligible and one of those 3 core players later becomes injured or unable to compete at the World Championship, that team is still eligible however they cannot replace that player on their roster and must compete with 4 players (with the unavailable player as the team’s rostered 5th player/3rd core player).
** International Team Exemption: International teams (any teams compromised of 3 or more players residing outside of the United States) are eligible to register without meeting the above criteria.
*** As in prior years, the top 4 finishers from the prior year WCT/NCT receive an automatic bid (upon payment of the standard entry fee and provided they return 3 of their 5 prior year WCT players) and do not have to meet the rest of the above criteria to be eligible to register. For 2023, these four teams are: Juggernauts, Phenoms, Usual Suspects, Canes.